Thursday, August 11, 2011

I'm Done

    You read that right I am done! No not with this blog with both current parties. This recent debt battle proves one thing and one thing only about our current leaders; they are all children! For whatever reason we as a people have lost the ability to find good leaders within our current political parties. Now I ask you why? Why have we lost the ability? The answer is simple the parties in an effort to gain political support stopped looking to the ever fluxing middle of the road Americans to the more hardline extreme wings. Why did they do this? What could have possibly possessed them to entertain such insanity? Ah yes it's because the middle of the roaders tend to have little to no party loyalty. Because of this simple fact the nuts have taken over.

    With this quiet subtle take over our political process has become something of a joke where legislation must be ram roded through to appease the primary and convention goers. Now the people who could once be persuaded to vote their conscience, rather than their party, are being dissuaded to go to the polls because who is there left to vote for that will represent them? I tell you there is no one both parties fore go the good of the nation for the good of the party. The future be damned! Power is what matters! This system will destroy the nation!

    The question is then how do we save the nation. The solution is simple to explain but difficult to carry out. A new party must come. The current parties are too diseased and unchanging to allow for an internal change no the change must come from an external pressure. My friends it is time for us the silent middle to speak out once more. The work we have is long but we must do it. We must do it for the sakes of future generations! We must do it for us!

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